If you plan to compound to the original color, then go with the factory color, otherwise,
tint it down.2.Now that the gel coat is ready, let's get back to the crack.
The factory gel coat that was sent is the original color of the boat's gel
coat. By sanding lightly with 300 grit wet you will bring this color out, but
it will not match the rest of the boat. If the crack is small, use
a flathead screwdriver. Release nozzle. Add more water if it feels pretty flush with the
surrounding area. Feel the force and the amount that comes out of the sprayer. It's
good to do this in 70 - 80 degree weather. Got a scrape, crack, or
soft deck on your power boat or sailboat? Here's a quick, easy fix that will
save you money. Add some acetone to cut the thickness of the gel coat so
it can spray out. You may have to add a touch of yellow or gray/black
to get that faded color. But no one else will, even if the fix is
not perfect. Sometimes a light sanding with 300 or 400 grit, nice and wet, will
remove most and sometimes, surprisingly, all of the scrape without a gel coat repair. Get
the right color card from Home Depot, and you can play with the color over
the winter, until you get a match, and save it in a jar for the
spring.4. There are many different ways to go about the repair, but my method works
and is not too difficult to master.Let's get started fixing that crack.Did your jib pole
come loose? Did the anchor swing too wildly or did your landlubber friend forget to
tell you he had on his golf shoes? Don't laugh...it happens. Drying time will vary
according to the temperature and amount of catalyst tn requin used. Some more complicated than others. You
can keep it level with the surrounding gel coat, because when it dries, you will
sand it lightly with the 220 or 300 grit and make a slight depression in
the plastic. You can use the type that has fiberglass strands. It just depends how
deep it is.With a little practice, you can save yourself a boat-load of money otherwise
spent on having the gel coat refinished professionally. You can put extra coats on because
you will do sanding next. Get it nice and wet. See how it looks before
you repeat the process. Is it perfect? Maybe, but if not, no will see it
unless you put blue gel coat where white should belong. Make good, fat edges at
either side of the crack. Use masking tape along the edges, if you need. Wash
off thoroughly and wax. Power boats get cracks here and there from the pounding as
they cut through waves. Spray bottle, sold in marine supply or hardware stores.7. A scrape
is basically the same, just a large area. Soak it a bit and also put
some water over the repair. A little goes a long way. Sailboats get it the
same way, plus all the heeling over they do.I have read all the books and
articles and found they all do a great repair. Sand the area, blow out and
acetone again.3.Tape around the area you are working on, close to the crack. After using
some acetone and sanding right around and in the crack, use a flat hand screwdriver
or metal pick to loosen any material in the crack. Don't put too much on.
Do a little checking as you're sanding.8.The final step is using a little white compound.
Gel Coat color from the manufacturer - it's worth the wait to get it. You
will requin tn get good at this one you do it several times, just like riding a
bike.7.After the gel coat hardens, take that plastic cup top and put some water in
it. Pull the excess masking tape away. A white colored filler is preferable. If you
want, you can leave it overnight. Wipe it around. In the meantime, you will forget
about where it actually is as it fades in. Slow and easy. This cleans the
wax, dirt, and stains off so you now can see clearly how far the crack
really goes and what color you should mix, too. It will cover. Most stores have
a chart. Now, spray the repair area with the same motion. Press the nozzle again,
move to the left and so on to get a smooth coat. Sandpaper/wet & dry
(emery cloth), 1 sheet of each: #220, #320, #400, #6003. You will always see it
even after a mint fix. Compound out lightly. NewspaperAs you can see from the materials
list, there need not be a great expense in performing your own repair. You can
mix the gel coat over the winter. Look from the sun. Feel the coarseness of
the area you are sanding. If it is cooler out, point a utility light at
it. Take a good look at it and then take some acetone on a rag
and clean in and around the crack. Move to 400 grit, then to 600 grit.
Don't try to complete it in one or two shots. Too much is no good.
Get a Bondo can (auto/marine body filler), that is short and wide, with a plastic
top. These materials can last through 10 repairs. I took the best from each and
now do this procedure for a great fix.What you'll need:1. Chip away at it until
you get to good, un-cracked gel coat. Rip a 1" x 4" piece of emery
cloth off the 220 or 300 grit. Acetone5. Let it dry. Add a touch of
water. It should harden it in anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, varying according
to the outside temperature. Use acetone to wash away the masking tape glue and any
impurities.5.Get the sprayer, read the instructions. Now, with the emery cloth pliable, lightly sand over
the repair. This comes with the catalyst you will need.2. If it still doesn't set,
use the acetone to get it off and try again with a better combo of
catalyst. Each time you take care of the crack yourself, you can save yourself hundreds
of dollars.1.In order to repair a crack, clear the area. Then tape newspaper around it
to catch any over-spray.4.If the crack is deep, you need to add some plastic filler
(bondo). Keep it just in the crack. Add the proper amount of catalyst, stir and
screw the jar back on and you're ready to go.6.Find a piece of cardboard to
spray on. You're done. Screwdriver or metal pick8. Press the nozzle to move it to
the right. Mix the proper amount of catalyst into the filler and squeeze it into
the crack. Watch not to take too much gel coat off. I used to get
all upset when I saw the slightest damage to my gel coat and thought it
would never be the same. Masking Tape6. If not, you can use white gel coat
with the tints you need to get it right. Pour the gel coat (factory or
mixed) into the jar. If doing it yourself is not your thing, you may find
understanding the process helpful when consulting with a repair center.Douglas Malat is a licensed captain,
freelance writer and co-author of http://www.YachtAuthority.com, where you will find gel coat repair services in
your area..
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